The IDA-Apnea Instructor 1 is the IDA-Instructor with apnea knowledge and apnea skills.
The IDA-Apnea Instructor 2 is the IDA-Instructor with advanced apnea knowledge and apnea skills for ambitious apnea diving.
A very experienced Apnea Diving Instructor, who has specialised in training Apnoe Diving Instructors.
The Nitrox Diving Instructor trains interested parties in diving with different mixes of oxygen and nitrogen.
These instructors teach divers how to handle two gas mixtures and decompression with 100% O2.
Following many years’ experience in the training of Nitrox divers, and the passing of a special examination the Nitrox Diving Instructor is qualified to train sporting diving instructors to become Nitrox Diving Instructors.
The IDA-Triox Instructor is an IDA Instructor** and IDA-Nitrox Instructor** with the knowledge and skills in the field of Trimix Diving with normoxic gas mixtures and a deep limit.
Rebreather Instructors train interested divers on Nitrox semi-closed rebreather.
The IDA-Trimix Instructor* is the IDA-Instructor** and at the same time Nitrox-Instructor* with knowledge and skills in the field of diving trimix gases with normonic gas mixtures.
The IDA Trimix Instructor* is an IDA Instructor** and Nitrox Instructor** with the knowledge and skills in the field of Trimix Diving with hypoxic mixtures
Experienced trimix instructor, take over the training of trimix instructor.
The IDA Side-Mount Instructor * (Side-Mount – Instructor 1) is an IDA Instructor * with special knowledge and skills in the field of the basics of IDA Side-Mount-Diving.
The IDA Side-Mount Instructor ** (Side-Mount – Instructor 2) is an IDA Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of ambitious IDA Side-Mount-Diving.
The IDA-RC Instructor* must be at least an IDA-Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of diving with individuals with physical limitations in a pool.
The IDA-RC Instructor ** must be at least an IDA-Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of diving with individuals with physical limitations in a pool and the open water.
Instructor trainer for RC instructor.
International Diving Association
Karsten Reimer
Dorfstraße 267
24222 Schwentinental
Telefon +49 (0)431 7992577
Telefon +49 (0)6641 7955
Fax +49(0)431 7990950
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